Friday, October 7, 2011

Don Felder Hotel California Gibson EDS-1275 12 string guitar  Don Felder Hotel California Gibson EDS-1275 12 string guitar

Don Felder "Hotel California" EDS-1275
Frequently named in polls for the “world’s greatest guitar solos”, and listed at #49 in Rolling Stone magazine’s “500 Greatest Songs of All Time”, Don Felder and Joe Walsh’s dual guitar solo on the Eagles’ “Hotel California” tapped a searing tone and an atmospheric vibe that still resonate today. To give live renditions their maximum impact, Don Felder has—right from the start—played the hit song on a Gibson EDS-1275 Double Neck, performing the haunting 12-string introduction on the guitar's top neck (routed through a Leslie rotating speaker unit) and switching to the lower 6-string neck for the epic soloing duel with Joe Walsh. 

To honor this legendary pairing of artist and instrument, Gibson Custom introduces the Don Felder “Hotel California” SG Double Neck guitar, in a strictly Limited Edition with only 50 aged and signed units and 100 aged units produced. The instrument is crafted in the image of Gibson's iconic EDS-1275 Double 12 model, only around 110 of which were produced between 1962-’68, demanding a reissue in 1977, when Felder acquired his example. The Don Felder Double Neck carries all the classic appointments of the era, including four great Gibson PAF-style humbucking pickups (two per neck) on a resonant solid-mahogany body. In addition, however, the guitar also includes custom wiring and modifications that Felder added to his own EDS-1275 to help it suit his live performance needs. All are aged to accurately reflect the look of Felder’s own Gibson Double Neck, while 50 are also signed and numbered by the artist himself. All come with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Neil Young book Waging Heavy Peace to be released

New Neil Young book Waging Heavy Peace to be released in 2012 -

“Waging Heavy Peace”: Neil Young's Upcoming Book

There's been quite a bit of commentary of late on what's up with Neil Young's muse.

Earlier, Stephen stills gave an interview where he explained that the reason for the latest delay in the 2012 Buffalo Springfield tour was due to Neil writing a book. Stills added: "Don't mess with the muse, man."

From Neil Young Joins the Rock Star Memoir Parade - By JULIE BOSMAN:
Neil Young, easily one of the most influential and enigmatic musicians of his generation, will write a memoir, his publisher said on Monday. Blue Rider Press, an imprint of Penguin Group USA, acquired the book after several years of discussions with Mr. Young, said David Rosenthal, the president and publisher.

“He’s been very busy playing and touring and making records, and the guy has 100 things going on all the time,” Mr. Rosenthal said.

“He felt that this was a really propitious moment to try and put some stuff down on paper.” The book, tentatively titled“Waging Heavy Peace,” will be released in fall 2012. Mr. Young has already finished writing “a good deal of material,” Mr. Rosenthal said. “The intention is to cover pretty much everything — growing up, music, life,” he added.

“I am astounded at his memory for detail.”

From Rolling Stone By Andy Greene:
"I felt like writing books fit me like a glove," Young said in a statement. "I started and I just kept going. That's the way my Daddy used to do it on his old Underwood up in the attic. He said, 'Just keep writing, you never know what will turn up.'"

From The Bookseller by Charlotte Williams:
Publishing director Tony Lacey acquired the title, currently titled Waging Heavy Peace, for Viking in the UK, with David Rosenthal buying world print, e-book and audio rights for Blue Rider Press, an imprint of Penguin Group USA, through Elliot Roberts, Young's manager at Lookout Management in LA

Lacey said: “We’ve read about 40,000 words, he’s writing it at the moment. It’s done in the present and then flashes back to stuff about his father, stuff about his bands in the 1970s and ‘80s and the drug casualties, parts about buying his ranch in Northern California.

It’s very vivid.”

Rosenthal said: "This promises to be a revealing, intimate book that will provide the window into Neil's life and career that fans and admirers have always wanted."

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